Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

mardi 27 septembre 2011

the silent killer

our oud made rom a lot of substance that some of them are artificial and othe are in humain body today we have a substance that is artificial who make the food tasty but the body worsty
                                              the aspartam
A substance local industrial localities of the most widely used and spread over a very large scale
and this substance areToxic and the sequences begin ater 4 -5++ years to start the bad sequences.
And products that enter the Aspartame: soft drinks (including the use of diet as well), beverages covered by the athletes, chewing gum, types of coffee, different teas, cold drinks, vitamins for children, antibiotics, appetizers, frozen food and chilled dairy products, Kalpozh and yogurt ,so  in our days it s hard to find most product without aspartam
and the people who have a hight risk by taking the aspartam in many years are
1.people who have diabetes
2.preagneant women
3 .kids
4.Those who have adverse reactions to Aspartame.
5.Older patients who suffer from weakness in the memory

we can discover the product who contain aspatam simply find the word aspartam in the product or found the word  Nutrasweet،
so for our health we should read read the substances of each poduct to know what we really eat

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