Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

lundi 26 septembre 2011

could we able to be free from diabetes??! or at least protect our self from it

hello here i m with a new task about blood sugar we can be free from this disease !!! i know that many of you think that is crazy and impossible but the true
we were and we steel  attach by our hobbit in eating fast food so much so this with a few more years have a big risk that 1/3 of american citizens will be capabal to have it 
and this retur by gains for the company of medicament and reverse for the person that have a big loss in his money &his healthy so why we depense much when we could reserve more
in our time the medecine evaluateso we have always this a window of hope and they have people who release them selfs from it in less then 4 days acording to a writers who have blood sugar and make a serious decision in his life to recover from it .
so he has a 4 secrets who stop or recover you from diabietes 
1.stop eating the ood who contain a lot of sugar especially substance of carbon(soda)if you found it hard try slowly 
2.eatig ood who has a lot of fiber& fruit
3.practice sport every day (practice sport for 12 hours stop the risk of diabetes and the walk or 30 mins increase the persentage of blood diabetes so the sport is the key off the health)
so to have a good body without diabietes  we should all protect our health from our selfs by followin a few and  a simple ways

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